Tuesday 2 October 2012


www.skinnyfibercalgary.com is my new domain name. Why am I telling you this? Because I am documenting my journey with Skinny Fiber.

For the first year I basically used the product inconsistently and only for a few weeks at a time. I forgot doses and basically did not give it the respect it needed. I did lose 22 pounds over that year but it was here and there. There was no whoo hoo moments as it was a pound here a pound there.

Now I am on the 90 day challenge and using the product consistently. I have seen consistent weightloss and some changes in my body. I have dropped 3 clothing sizes and have to dig out clothing I haven't worn for years. I have to dig out this clothing because my clothes are hanging on me. The amount of pounds I've lost has only been 13 in 50 days but over 21 inches. Let me tell you this has been exciting.

We all depend on the scale too much to tell us how our bodies are doing. We need to focus more on how our bodies feel and how our health measures up. With most "diet pills" you will see weightloss on the scale but what you are actually seeing is muscle loss. Which is making it harder for your body to lose weight in future and is the start of the yo yo dieting saga. You lose the weight but the moment you go off those pills it all comes back. Then your body has less muscle to help you burn calories so when you go back to your old eating habits (even if they weren't bad) your body has a harder time burning calories so just to maintain your weight you will have to eat less. So essentially you will have to stay on a diet your whole life just because you took "diet pills".

With Skinny Fiber all that changes. The whole cycle. Skinny Fiber works to make your digestive system healthy so that it can absorb vitamins. When your body is absorbing vitamins it is starting to get the nutrition it needs to HELP your body to lose weight. So even though you don't necessarily "diet" on Skinny Fiber you end up shrinking fat cells and losing weight because your body is in a better position to help your body to function properly and to not store fat. This alone makes the all natural supplement Skinny Fiber the best option for permanent fat and weightloss.

If you want to learn more about how Skinny Fiber can help your body go Here.
If you want to join us and help to change peoples lives with Skinny Fiber go Here.