Tuesday 13 November 2012

My First 90 Day Skinny Fiber Challenge Completed

Wow I did it! I commited and followed through. I committed to take my Skinny Fiber every day for 90 days. I made sure it was always in my purse so I had no excuses to not take it. This is what happened.

In the first week I started to feel full faster. I started to notice that my eyes were bigger than my stomach. Because I had taken my Skinny Fiber before my meal with a glass of water I didn't need to eat as much at each meal. I stayed away from the scale as they say you shouldn't look at the scale for at least the first two weeks while you are on Skinny Fiber. That was really hard. I'm not going to lie I may have cheated and taken a peek here and there but for the most part I tried to stay away from the scale. I could feel a difference in my hunger levels and could see the amounts I was leaving on my plate. The first few times I tried to finish what was on my plate anyway as isn't that what we were all taught??? After feeling really full afterwards you learn to try and take less in the beginning knowing you can always go back for more. :)

In the second week I started to notice that I wasn't craving chips and chocolate. These being my go to foods for longer than I can remember. I remember as a teenager coming home on the city bus from school and stopping off at the mall to go and pick up chips and put them in my school bag take them home and then eating them in my room while no one was watching. I started to become a sneak eater at a fairly young age. Anyways, I wasn't craving my lifelong friends anymore. I used to go to the store probably at least twice a week to pick these and only these up. But by the end of the second week I noticed that I would pass the store and not even think about it until I got home. That in itself was a miracle for me. One night my husband had cooked popcorn and sat beside me and eaten it and I didn't even want any and honestly forgot that it was there. These things just don't happen to me. At the end of the second week I took my inches and was pleasantly surprised I was down 8 inches mainly around my middle. And I had forgotten to take 3 measurements when I first started. So I'm pretty sure I was down more than that. It was truly exciting. Then I stepped on the scale and I had lost a Whopping 10 POUNDS. I was ecstatic I called everyone I knew I put the news on FB this was crazy. 10 pounds in 2 weeks with no diet or exercise? How does this happen? But with taking Skinny Fiber consistently for 2 full weeks I had done it. Well right then and there I was sold. How can it get any better than that. Then I started to get ahead of myself and planned for the end of 90 days that I would weigh 60 pounds less that what I had started at (like we all do) doing the calculations in my head thinking this was the miracle that was going to make me skinny.

I think we all start getting ahead of ourselves when we have a good weight loss. We start planning our new wardrobes and our celebration parties and we start to believe. I think the most important part of the last sentence was start to believe. Believe that we can do it. We start to see a glimmer of hope and then we make it our entire world. Well I'm no different. I thought I would be skinny in no time.

So week 3 started off great as I was in the elation mode and believed that I didn't have to do anything to help Skinny Fiber. I started to over eat and push myself past that full feeling again because I thought "it's ok with Skinny Fiber it won't matter".  I started to eat out more often and when my husband brought the chips and chocolate home I went to town. I thought it's ok Skinny Fiber will take care of this for me. For two weeks I had a grand old time and did the stuff I knew was bad for me thinking that this little pill would take care of everything. Well I got a bit of a kick in the butt.

When I weighed in week 4 I hadn't lost a single pound. Not one. Can you believe it. I was incredulous. How could that have happened to me? I was taking my Skinny Fiber every day what was wrong with me. Well I took a look back at what I had been eating for those two weeks thinking Skinny Fiber was the miracle weight loss pill and it wasn't hard to see what I had done to myself. I had put this little pill on a pedestal and used it as an excuse to go wild. I guess we all get a little overconfident sometimes and I was no different. I figured the scale had betrayed me and so had Skinny Fiber. I almost went off them altogether I was so upset. Until I decided that I should suck it up and do my measurements. I did them and guess what? I was down in inches. How could that be possible? The scale was exactly the same (and when I look back I don't know how that happened after what I had done) I didn't expect to lose inches. But sure enough when I checked I had lost an additional  6 inches. How the heck did that happen? I didn't know but I didn't care.

So for weeks 5 and 6 I had decided to go back to eating out only once a week. To ensure I drank my two litres of water a day, to ensure I ate breakfast (as Skinny Fiber needs food to work properly) and to of course take my Skinny Fiber consistently. I started to fill my plate full with half of what I would normally eat again and go back for more when I was done if I was still hungry. I also did this one crazy thing. I vowed to eat vegetables at least once a day. My cravings were still gone so I didn't have to worry about going wild anymore. I told my husband not to bring home the chips and chocolate as I wasn't craving so didn't need them in the house to sit and stare at. Well he didn't listen. Surprise surprise. However when he did bring them in I took my share and stashed them beside me. It was actually nice to know that I could have them whenever I wanted I just didn't want them. So I went another 2 weeks and at the end of week six did the weigh in. I had lost 3 pounds and 4.75 inches. Not bad at all I thought in 6 weeks I have now lost 18.75 inches and 13 pounds total. Not bad for not really changing the foods I was eating and just throwing in a few vegetables here and there. But I did notice that my inches and weightloss had slowed down. Now I know this is all still a healthy way to lose weight but I was impatient. I talked to my group and when we were talking it came out about my weight gaining drugs. Well as we all know when you are fighting weight gaining drugs it can be a real struggle with weight loss. I decided to up my dosage a bit on Skinny Fiber as I knew it would only get harder from there. And it's a good thing I did.

Weeks 7 and 8 were pretty easy. As I was feeling full pretty fast and had no cravings I d thought I would have it on easy street. And I guess I did. I lost a consistent half pound a week and 5.75 inches again. Here is me not exercising and not dieting and I am losing weight. Now that I have figured out that it took me years to put on this weight and I was basically losing free pounds I was pretty excited. I mean here I am doing nothing but still losing weight and inches. I have never had a weight loss product that has done anything like that before. Thank you Skinny Fiber. Also I was starting to like the vegetables. Me liking vegetables and trying to incorporate them into my day. This was crazy.

Weeks 9-10 I just went along with the same theories. Eat breakfast (hard to do when you're not hungry in the mornings but forced myself most of the time), drink 2 litres of water a day and take my pills. Try to only eat out once a week. Sometimes that was hard and so I may have slipped a little in there but I did the best I could to make it happen. At the end of week 10 I was down another 3 pounds. So now I'm losing on average 1.5 pounds a week on weight gaining drugs. Whoot Whoot. Who would have ever thought that I could lose pounds and inches on weight gaining drugs. For years I had tried and failed but the proof was behind me.  There was yet another inch loss 3.25 inches. Again for doing nothing but taking my pills. By this point I am calling it my medication. I mean seriously this isn't a gimmick or a "diet" pill this was weight management medication. It is beating my weight gaining drugs so to me it is my weight gaining drug fighter otherwise known as my medication.

Weeks 11 and 12 my last two weeks on my Skinny Fiber 90 day challenge. I am excited to see what's going to happen. But.... Halloween is the second last week of this 90 day challenge and we had half the kids we had expected. I'm not going to lie I had started to feel over confident with the Skinny Fiber again as I had now dropped from a size 6x to a size 3x in clothing. So yes I ate alot of Halloween Candy that week and didn't lose a pound. Very disappointing I stayed the same that week and it was the second last week of my 90 day challenge. But I had no one to blame but myself. I could have frozen the candy but instead I chose to eat it. I wasn't hungry but it was alot of chocolate that I just couldn't let go to waste. (Obviously I have some issues I need to work on about food in my head because I wasn't hungry I just ate it because it was there). However instead of returning to my former tactics of blaming myself for this I just decided to forgive myself and say "Hey it's Halloween who loses weight during this week. I think I'd be hard pressed to find people that did so why am I being hard on myself." Real life is always going on around us when we are trying to lose weight why not just plan in advance for those times and allow yourself a little extra. We only get so many holidays a year to celebrate why not take it easier on myself for those times. And voila my head was in a better space already. I didn't lose that week but the win was that I didn't gain that week. :) In the end I actually ended up pretty happy with myself because I felt I made good choices that week even though I had made bad choices and they all evened out in the end. :)
Week 12 this week I was sure I was going to lose 2 pounds. I tried a little extra to make healthier choices and tossed out the rest of the halloween candy and I was good to go. Well at the end I had only lost 1 additional pound. A little disappointing but I figure my body was still on a sugar high from the previous week and on my final weigh in I realized that my monthly flow had not shown up this month. Which for me usually means havoc on the scale and in my emotions. But I still lost that final pound which put me at 18 pounds total weightloss. Which honestly for a person on weight gaining drugs and not dieting is pretty damn good. I am very excited and very proud of myself for following through with my 90 day challenge and taking my pills consistently and not just giving up when things didn't go as planned. I also lost inches again 2.5 in my last two weeks which put me to 30.25 inches in 90 days. Not bad for no dieting or exercise and crazy hormones at the end. Not to mention the bad weeks 3 and 4 where I deserved to gain weight and didn't as well as Halloween week to boot.
Is Skinny Fiber a miracle pill? I think so. Are you going to lose weight on it if you eat horribly every day NO but what pill can do that for you. And if it is out there please let me know what it is. Does it help you to lose weight and inches as long as you don't go overboard. I believe so. This last 90 days hasn't been hard on me. I still ate treats and went out to eat but I did it in moderation. Did I change my lifestyle. Yes I did. But was it lifestyle altering to the point of becoming discouraged and throwing in the towel because it was too hard to take some pills each day. NO WAY. Once I started to see Skinny Fiber as  weight management medication that I had to take every day it made it easier for me to take a healthier option if there was one available. I actually started to look for healthier options on my own. And have started to incorporate healthier options into my lifestyle. The hardest part for me was to make the commitment of taking the pills regularly. To do that I set a cell phone alarm reminder. Honestly when you think about it. There are certain times of year you go overboard but most of the year people have fairly consistent eating habits. If you could squeeze a few pills in a day for those times and lose weight and more importantly inches and clothing sizes isn't that worth it?
Well for me it is. I am a pretty big girl so will probably have to do a few more 90 day challenges to get to my goal weight but I think that Skinny Fiber is something so easily incorporated into your lifestyle that I can't see why I wouldn't continue it. I have tried everything over the years and this has been the easiest thing to add so that I can continue a fairly normal lifestyle and not have to worry about everything I put in my mouth. So for those of you that don't want to "diet" or take stimulants, messy shakes, and count calories for the rest of your life. I think it's worth giving it a shot.

If you would like to start your 90 day challenge click here
If you would like to join the company and make money while on your challenge click here

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